
Friday, November 25, 2011

Who is Goldmine International?

GOLD MINE INTERNATIONAL started their Network Marketing operation from Norway under Registration Number 981 447 999 in year 2000. Before entering in e-commerce Network marketing GMI was involved in Custom Made Gold Jewelery. GMI helps you to build a profitable home based business. Currently, there's a vast amount of interest in work at home programs, so now is the time to get in and start building your own business. In GMI, the work you do now will provide residual income for you and your family for years to come.

Once you've chosen a business plan, you'll need to promote it. Please feel free to use the resources on this site and good luck with your business.

If You are Considering MLM Home Business, Take a Look at Us First! We're Better than MLM Home Business! Our Gold Reward Program Truly Works!

GMI offers an unbeatable and fool proof system that Brings You Gold & Cash!

Like you, most people today have thought about or looked at various options to increase or enhance their current income. Sometimes it's because of increasing corporate layoffs, lack of security in their present jobs, too many hours and not enough money. Or sometimes it's a dead end job or retirement looming on the horizon and the realization that there is not enough money for them to live as they have become accustomed. And still others are already retired and terrified to realize they are broke.

Before it happens to you! Take Control of Your Future - Come Realize Your Dream with Our Easy, flexible and achievable plans.
A Tested Home Based Business Idea!

GMI has a simple home based business idea that just makes sense. Work from your home using our easy to adopt and unique Gold Motivation step system and  our true leaders will help you to build a true residual income for you and your family. You will not be alone. If you are looking for Financial Freedom, More Time With Your Family, and Increased Financial Security ... You owe it to yourself to see exactly what Gold Mine International system can do for you.


More likely, one option people consider is a "Home based business" but there are many MLM home business ideas out there that promises more than they actually deliver. But not with GMI system! Our Gold Reward Program (GRP) gives you the flexibility to earn an income on your own time. It gives you the opportunity to spend more time with your family, and at the same time, gives you the increased financial security you deserve.
We believe we have discovered a solution that just makes sense! Not a

get-rich-quick  but a get-rich-sure-opportunity that offers:
  • Residual income
  • Flexibility to fit your schedule
  • A complete easily duplicated system due to our unique Gold Motivation Step.(GMS)
  • Guidance and assistance from successful leaders of our team.
  • Work less make more opportunity.
  • A Tested Home Based Business Idea!

Look No Further! If you are looking for an honest online business opportunity, GMI is the best choice.

Take your first step to be a millionaire!

Get Rich Quick or Consistent Hard Work

Get rich quick 
Is network marketing a get rich quick scheme or does it require consistent hard work to earn good money?
The answer is both. However for most people the latter is more likely. Although it is possible to earn money quickly in the network marketing industry there are only a few members in the 'get rich quick' club. These people have been in the industry a long time and generally knew what they were doing. The majority of people who earn millions in the network marketing industry are those who have done so through consistent hard work. Just like the CEO of any big company you also need to work for your money in a network marketing business. The main difference is that when you retire as a CEO you stop getting paid. In network marketing however, your business continues to pay you regardless of whether you choose to retire, or not.

When people first join the network marketing industry they often do so with the belief that all they have to do is find their frontline distributors and from then on in everything seems to happen automatically. They get rich quick and continue to earn millions of dollars and earn a lifetime of financial freedom. Although in theory it is possible to get rich quick, in reality it rarely happens.

The good news is that for most people, consistent part-time work does pay off. Is network marketing a get rich quick business? It depends how you define “quick”. It won’t happen overnight, but from what we’ve seen, those network marketers who work a consistent part-time effort are generally earning enough residual income to quit their fulltime work after about 3-5 years.

Why do so many network marketers give up within the first 6 months?

Think of network marketing just like any other investment, it takes time to grow. The reason why people give up after just 6 months is generally because they are impatient and were expecting to get rich quick and not have to work for the money. Again, this is possible and yes there are a few people in network marketing that do get rich quick, but just like any other investment portfolio, generally good things come to those who wait.

The way in which residual income works in the network marketing industry is that in the beginning you are seriously underpaid for the work you do. For example, initially it may take you 10hrs of work to make a $50 profit which works out to be only $5 per hour. This is not even minimum wage in most countries and this is the point where many people will give up. What you need to realise is that as your organisation grows the opposite is also true. You become seriously overpaid. Not only are you earning a profit on the work you do, but also from the work of members in your organisation, where now you could easily be earning $500/hr.

Let’s look at an example, if I offered you a lump sum of $16 000 today or 5c a year on the condition that it doubles each year for the next 25 years, what would be the best financial investment?

Most people would instantly start thinking about how good it would be to have an extra $16 000 and are happy to settle for the short-term gratification. What they fail to realise is that when you continue to double 5c each year, that 5c soon turns into $1.6 million. The table below helps to illustrate how this works.




1 $0.05 $0.05
2 $0.10 $0.15
3 $0.20 $0.35
4 $0.40 $0.75
5 $0.80 $1.55
6 $1.60 $3.15
7 $3.20 $6.35
8 $6.40 $12.75
9 $12.80 $25.55
10 $25.60 $51.15
11 $51.20 $102.35
12 $102.40 $204.75
13 $204.80 $409.55
14 $409.60 $819.15
15 $819.20 $1,638.35
16 $1,638.40 $3,276.75
17 $3,276.80 $6,553.55
18 $6,553.60 $13,107.15
19 $13,107.20 $26,214.35
20 $26,214.40 $52,428.75
21 $52,428.80 $104,857.55
22 $104,857.60 $209,715.15
23 $209,715.20 $419,430.35
24 $419,430.40 $838,860.75
25 $838,860.80 $1,677,721.55

Most people take the $16 000 option because they think short-term, they find the quick dollar or easy solution more appealing. Essentially the main difference between the wealthy and the working class is a wealthy mindset. The wealthy are willing to sacrifice short-term pain in return for long-term gain, whereas the working class settle for short-term gains that lead to long-term pain and debt.

The point we are trying to make is that when you first join a network marketing business, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’ll get rich quick. Instead think of it as an investment where realistically for the first 3 months, you can probably expect to make little profit or barely break even. The good news is that through consistent part-time efforts, in the long-term you will earn this back many times over.

When you go to university it normally takes at least 3 years to get a degree, which costs a significant amount of money. Why do people do it? Because they see it as an investment for their future, not a cost. Network marketing is the same. Just like any other investment - real estate, shares, education - the reward is in the years that follow, not the first couple of months.

I now fully understand and appreciate the concept of residual income and the power of leverage. If you are looking to join network marketing to get rich quick, there is a good chance it will not happen and I’d be cautious of anyone who is trying to tell you otherwise. However, if you see network marketing as a long-term investment, you see the whole picture and are willing to sacrifice some of your time in the short-term, so that in years to come you too can enjoy financial freedom, we are here to support you all the way.

Home Business Benefits

Home Business Benefits
Escape the rat race and enjoy the many home business benefits.

There are a number of reasons that explain the recent trend towards people choosing to operate a home based business, many of which are discussed throughout this website. In particular, the opportunity to be your own boss presents many lifestyle benefits such as more time and flexibility to improve work – life balance, while high income potentials and significant tax advantages can help to improve financial freedom and stability. Additionally, advances in technology, mainly the internet and the mobile phone have improved communication, making the home office more practical, particularly for those who would normally spend hours commuting.

In this chapter we will discuss the many home business benefits associated with operating a home based business, and in particular why network marketing is becoming more popular as one of the fastest growing industries of all time. Some of these benefits include:
  • Financial Freedom
  • High Income Business Opportunities
  • Be Your Own Boss
  • Success Driven Industry
  • Significant Tax Advantages
  • Low Financial Risk
  • Time Freedom
  • Gaining Business Experience

What is Binary Plan?

Understanding the Binary Plan

Binary plan

Binary Compensation Plan

Despite the fact the binary plan is relatively new (90’s) to the network marketing industry it is already very popular among network marketing companies and members within the industry. As well as the simplicity of the design that the binary compensation structure offers there are a number of advantages that make it attractive to all network marketers including those new to the industry, part-timers, average networkers, and your more experienced gun recruiters.

How Does the Binary Compensation Plan Work?

The Binary Plan as the name suggests is based around the number 2, which represents the maximum number of frontline associates that any business centre can have. Any additional distributors must then be placed under one of your existing frontline members. This creates a very supportive environment for new members as the easiest way for associates to achieve success is by assisting their new members to build their organisations. This team approach makes the binary plan very attractive as there is a lot of support (both initial and ongoing) as all associates within your organisation work towards achieving a common goal.
The main earning objective of the binary compensation plan is to balance the amount of leg volume flowing through either side of your business centre. For example if you had 800 sales points flowing through the left leg of your business but only 500 points flowing through the right, you are paid out on the highest common denominator which in this instance is 500 points. When the Binary Plan was first introduced any additional volume (ie the extra 300 points on the left) would be lost making it difficult for part timers however more recently most binary plans now allow any additional volume to be carried over to the following commission period. This “carry over” feature has proven to be very popular for part-timers as it means that you don’t ever lose any of the sales volume that you have acquired.
Because the goal is to balance the volume flowing through your organisation this encourages associates to help their weaker downline members to build their organisation (promoting teamwork) to achieve a better volume balance and a more consistent (and higher) commission cheque.
There are normally no depth restrictions to the binary structure and each level of your organisation is paid out on a consistent commission percentage making it easy to understand. One of the main distinctions of the of the Binary Plan is that it is volume driven as opposed to level driven which means you do not have to have a large organisation to be successful. This also means there is an incentive to help new associates in your organisation no matter how deep they are.
In the fairness of good maths because there are no depth restrictions to the Binary Plan, each business centre has a limited earning potential which maxes out to ensure that both distributors and the company earn a profit.
If each business centre has a limit to how much it can earn, how is it possible to earn millions of dollars through a network marketing business using the Binary Plan?
For your serious network marketers the profitable part of Binary Plan is that although each business centre can only earn so much (normally up to a few thousand dollars a week, which is still very nice), there is generally no limit as to how many business centres each distributor can operate. Think of a business centre like a shop, if you currently own a shop that is doing really well but no longer has the potential to grow, what do you do? Open a second shop, as this now allows you to earn profits on both businesses. Well it is exactly the same with the Binary Plan. Once you have achieve a certain level with your network marketing business where your organisation has maxed out or has limited potential to earn you more money, the company rewards the distributor with a new business centre.
The company is happy because they have an experienced, successful distributor opening another business center and the distributor is happy because now they have a higher earning potential. The more business centres the distributor has the greater the earning potential of the distributor.

Binary Compensation Plan Helps Even The Average Network Marketer

Studies conducted into the network marketing industry have shown that the average network marketing distributor sponsors between 2-3 new distributors into their business. These findings meant that it would be hard for the ‘average distributor’ to be successful using some of the older compensation models that required distributors to recruit at least 6 or more frontline distributors to see a return. These older plans started to give the industry a bad reputation as being "too hard", however fortunately most of these plans have since been modified.
After these studies started to appear in the 1980’s the Binary Plan was create to give everybody a fair chance of success. Because the Binary Compensation Structure only allows the sponsoring of 2 frontline distributors it meant that even your less than average network marketer still has the potential to achieve financial freedom using this compensation model. Additionally the binary compensation plan was developed such that as a new recruit if you’re really struggling to build your downline it is in the interest of your upline distributors to give you as much help as they can.

The Best Compensation Plan as voted by you.

The MLM insider publication each year publishes the annual distributor’s choice award as to what people working in the industry believe to be the best company and best compensation plan. Obviously there is some potential biasing that can occur as naturally the large companies with the highest number of distributers are likely to feature the most.
In particular a large well known company (definitely not the biggest) has won the distributors choice award for the last 10 years in a row. One of the stand out features of this company is that it was one of the first to implement the Binary Compensation Plan and whilst it is definitely not the most lucrative compensation plan it is believed to be one of the fairest.
Although the Binary Compensation Plan is not the most lucrative, just like all other compensation structures this model does offer the potential to earn a very high income if you are willing to put in the work. When combined with the supportive teamwork that is generally found within companies using this compensation model, there is a lot to like about the Binary Plan.

Is Network Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?

If not, what's the difference between network marketing and a pyramid scheme?
Let me guess, somebody has just approached you and asked you to join their network marketing business and your instant thought was - is this one of those pyramid scams?

You made the right decision to do some research and be concerned, because pyramid schemes are illegal and can put you in to a lot of trouble. The good news is that network marketing or multi-level marketing is a legitimate and legal business model. On this page we will help you to identify the differences between network marketing and pyramid schemes, including a checklist of things to look for.

To start with we will review the similarities and then work to distinguish the two.
Generally, the initial concern for people when introduced to a network marketing opportunity is when they see the compensation plan which resembles a pyramid in shape. Instantly they fear the worst as they draw a resemblance to illegal pyramid schemes. The truth is that this pyramid structure is the same as every other sustainable business model across the world. This is best highlighted in the diagram below (figure 1.)

Pyramid business structure

Is it the shape of the business model that dictates whether a business model is illegal?
No, of course not. If this were true every profitable company, government, church and school would be illegal and shut down. It is not so much the shape of the pyramid that people should be concerned about, more the way in which the pyramid is created that distinguishes whether or not it is legal. Let’s review.

Pyramid Scheme (illegal scam)

A pyramid scheme can be defined as a fraudulent money-making scheme that is based on a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme without a legitimate product or service being delivered. Eventually the number of new recruits fails to sustain the payment structure and the scheme collapses with most people losing the money they paid in.

In a more practical sense, probably the easiest way to identify pyramid schemes is firstly there is no legitimate product or service involved (i.e. you do not get a legitimate product in return for your initial investment). The second way to identify pyramid schemes is that you do not get a financial return unless you have successfully introduced a number of new recruits into the pyramid. Basically, pyramid schemes concentrate on the money that you could earn by recruiting new people into the pyramid and generally ignore the marketing and selling of any products or services.

Network Marketing (legitimate, legal business model)

The concept behind network marketing is a distribution model that allows a company to sell their products directly to the consumer. Choosing to use a word of mouth approach (networking) instead of advertising through traditional streams (eg media). Therefore instead of paying the media for advertising, network marketing companies are structured to reward distributors through commission in return for selling their products and finding new customers.
Therefore the main focus of a network marketing company is product distribution. In fact, in a legitimate network marketing company, distributors are not required to recruit new distributors in order to earn a commission, they can earn money purely by selling the company’s product.

Although distributors can choose to sell the company’s products to earn their commissions, not everybody wants to be a sales person and therefore choose to recruit more distributors into their organisation as a means to build their referral base. Not only does this create a group of loyal customers, it also allows you to leverage the efforts of others to create a residual stream of income.

“I would rather earn 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts”

- John Paul Getty (American Billionaire)

Therefore the recruiting element of a network marketing business is merely a way of distributing more products and helping to build a leveraged income.
Why do distributors in network marketing normally receive a commission when a new recruit joins their organisation?
To join a network marketing company you have to purchase an initial start up kit. This kit usually includes training, some sales and management tools to assist you to build your business, and a certain amount of product. Because there is a certain amount of product included in the start up kit, the sponsoring distributor is now entitled to a commission. For example, when becoming associated with a network marketing company there are normally a number of different business options available, what’s the main difference between the cheap business options and the more expensive ones? The amount of product you receive in the package, that is the more you spend up front, the more product you receive as part of your initial package and the greater the commission the sponsoring distributor is now entitled to.

The opposite is also true, most network marketing companies now offer a very low start up option where you do not have to purchase any product to get started, just the training and business tools. In this scenario the sponsoring distributor does not receive any commission in return for you joining their organisation, they do however now have a new distributor (and customer) who they introduced to the business and therefore any future product that is bought or sold by this new recruit is eligible for commission.

In summary, when trying to understand network marketing, distributors are paid a commission - not for recruiting new members, but for the amount of product that is sold through their organisation. Therefore recruiting new members into a network marketing company is purely a way of expanding the distributor’s network and customer base. Any commission made through recruiting new members is a result of the product sold in the start up package and not for the recruiting itself.

Another big distinction between pyramid schemes and network marketing is the fairness of good maths. To prevent network marketing companies from falling over like pyramid schemes (where people at the top make all the money and people at the bottom lose everything), there are restrictions placed in the network marketing company’s compensation plan that limit the number of people who can earn a commission off any given sale. Basically there are only so many ways you can split a dollar, therefore, network marketing commissions only travel so far. This not only makes the business model sustainable but also makes it fair in the sense that it doesn’t matter if you got in first or last, you have the same opportunity as everyone else.

Please bear in mind that every network marketing company’s compensation plan is structured differently. To learn more about the basic structures please refer to the compensation plan chapter after finishing this page.

So in summary, despite the fact that network marketing and pyramid schemes share a few similarities (i.e. the pyramid shaped business model shown in figure 1, and that in both you can recruit new members) network marketing is a legitimate business opportunity and one where you can earn a substantial legal income. You don’t have to take our word for it, network marketing is now being endorsed by a number of leading businessmen worldwide.

“If I lost everything and had to start again, I would find myself a great network marketing company and get to work!”

- Donald Trump (David Letterman Show)

A word of advice when looking into a network marketing business opportunity - unfortunately some pyramid schemes have tried to mimic the network marketing business model before being discovered as fraudulent, therefore you have every right to be initially concerned. For your benefit we have put together a list of questions that you can ask yourself prior to signing the dotted line to help you identify a legitimate company from a fake one.

In particular, the following 2 questions:
  1. Is there a legitimate product involved?

    What do you get in return for your start up investment, other then the potential to earn good money? If you're not getting a product or service or if the training tools appear to be overpriced you could have discovered a scam. For more information about recommend products please refer to the "choosing the right product" chapter.

  2. Do you get commissions based on product distribution or on recruitment?

    If they are paying commissions based purely on recruitment, walk away now.
Additionally, you should also consider the following factors that might influence long term success.

Be aware of hype and ground floor opportunities

Although some people might claim you earn more money if you get in first, this is never the case and these are companies that normally fold within the first couple of years. It is much safer to join a company with a proven track record.

Does the company have a proven track record?

If the company has been around for a few years then there is a fair chance that governing bodies that police pyramid schemes have already pulled the business model apart and given them the ok. Publicly traded companies are normally your best bet.

Will the company buy back any unsold product?

Most network marketing companies have a money back guarantee which means that if you are unhappy with the products you can send them back for a refund. Given that the majority of your start up kit was product, if you’re not happy with the business you should be able to send back any leftover product to refund most of your start up costs. Try network marketing and potentially become very wealthy, or if it’s not working for you send your product back for a refund, it’s a win-win! Naturally a pyramid scheme is not going to refund your money.

Is this a get rich quick scheme?

Although there is a lot of potential to earn very good money in network marketing very few have made it quick, most make their millions through consistent effort. So if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.

Shop around

If you are looking into the industry for the first time don’t be scared to look at other business models and products, particularly if you don’t know which company to join. There are many discussed within this webpage.

What training do they provide?

A good company has a solid training system.
To finish with, we strongly advise that you take the time to make your decision, don’t be pressured into joining right away, do your homework. This webpage will give you most of the information you need including background into the industry itself, what it takes to be successful and common mistakes to avoid.

History of Network Marketing

The history of network marketing originates back to the 1940’s where a company trading under the name of “California Vitamins” discovered they could make more sales when they had a lot of sales representatives selling a small amount of product each, compared to the traditional business model, of trying to have a few sales representatives selling a lot. California Vitamins also discovered that most of their growing customer base was made up of the friends and family of their existing sales representatives who had essentially referred them to the company as they were impressed with their product line.

New sales representatives were then created from existing satisfied customers and a commission based system was developed. Both teams and individuals were rewarded according to their sales efforts and as a result network marketing was born. The same company later changed their trading name to Nutrilite Food Supplement Corporation.
In 1959 Richard DeVos and Jay Van Andel founded the company Amway which was an abbreviation for the term “the American way”. Amway from day one was based on the same network marketing concept. Almost 50 years later Amway is a well established network marketing company operating in more than 80 countries around the world and with more than 3 million business operators.
Founders of Amway - Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos
Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos
Currently it is estimated that there are more than 50 million people worldwide involved in network marketing with almost 100 billion in annual wholesale revenue. Given the history of network marketing and it’s rapidly growing popularity, the network marketing industry is recognised as one of the fastest growing industries in the world today and is predicted to have significant growth well into the future as more and more companies are choosing to capitalise on this networking trend and choose to sell their products direct to the consumer. This emerging trend is also being driven by a wave of entrepreneurs who continue to drive the concept of improving quality of life and working from home.
Although the history of network marketing dates back to the 1940’s it is only now that the industry has come of age. Network marketing has now grown to the point where it is creating more millionaires today than the dot com boom industry did before the bubble burst.
The history of network marketing has stood the test of time and over the past 50 years has proven itself to be a successful distribution model and home-based business opportunity. The industry itself is now currently being endorsed by many business leaders as a proven system for anyone who wishes to achieve financial success. It is not surprising that network marketing is now one of the fastest growing industries of all time with an estimated 150 000 people just like you, joining the industry every single week.
Given the proven history of the network marketing business model and the emerging business trends the timing could not be better to capitalise on this trend and we encourage all entrepreneurs looking for a home-based business opportunity to seriously consider a network marketing business.

Business Legility

GMI Norwegian Certificate:

Registered in Pakistan by FBR, Certificate is below:

GMI registered in SECP, proof is below: