
Thursday, December 1, 2011

GMI Is so good, why doesn't everyone join it ?

If it's so good, why doesn't everyone join?

People who say 'no' to network marketing do so for several reasons. For the majority, they don't see how it could fit into their lives. They have perhaps lived a very long time in the same frame of mind, or the same job, and it has become a fixed pattern. For others, they honestly don't see how they could find enough time in their hectic life. Plenty of people working 90 or 100+ hour weeks have built huge network marketing businesses in their spare time. It's just a matter of priorities. Those who are truly busy appreciate more than others how to fit things into their schedule.

The majority of people who don't join all have exactly the same reason. That is "I just don't think that it will work for me." Of course, they voice that in different ways! The job of a dedicated network marketer is to convince those people that it can work for them, and that the rewards are real and tangible. But in the end, many people will never join. But this is great - if the whole world joined then who would be the doctors, dentists, politicians, musicians, shop workers, police officers, accountants and teachers?!

Then there is the group that is so sure of themselves that they cannot possibly understand why anyone would want to join a NETWORK MARKETING organisation. Some of them even go out to stop those they know from doing the same. This is almost always borne of an ignorance of NETWORK MARKETING. There is usually a friend of a friend who tried and failed. Often these people cover their tracks by blaming it on the company or the business model - they don't admit that they simply didn't work hard enough. Sometimes they joined a poor company, and didn't research it enough. It's unfortunate, but these people will always exist. Everyone who has ever achieved anything difficult has faced those people telling them why they were sure to fail. Albert Einstein's school maths teacher famously told him that he would never amount to anything! I love this quote from that same man whose outstanding mind revolutionized practically all of modern physics:

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The

latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary

prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.

Albert Einstein

Often those people mean well, but they are simply voicing their own opinion. Millions of people have been held back from achieving truly remarkable things with their lives because of 'well-meaning friends' who told them not to. You have to analyse your decision for yourself - make sure that it is the right one and that it aligns with your beliefs, and then absolutely commit to it. It doesn't matter whether that decision is a 'yes' or a 'no' - just trust yourself! Remember - whenever anyone tells you that you're wrong, you almost certainly know a lot more about your business than they do! Don't let someone else ignorance steal your chance for success!

Fatwa About GMI in IRan


MLM Downline Software

    Software plays vital role in the success of MLM Organization. It proves an important parameter for building confidence of company as new associates on the management.

    This MLM Software is a product cum customized solution for handling the various activities of MLM Company like Registration, Confirmation, Product
    package / delivery, Genealogy- various type of tree with respect to plan, Incentive calculation, Cheque printing, weekly report, payout report, set product and set product point etc…

    All this at a very affordable price.

    Salient Features of MLM Software:

    Develop MLM software according to company plan

    Unique way to provide online solution.

    MLM Software is Simple, reliable and easy to operate.

    MLM Software is Fully Organized member and administration section.

    MLM Software integrated with E-Commerce Shopping Cart

    MLM Software integrated with SMS Alerts

    Additional Features

    SMS Alerts

    Mobile SMS Marketing is a direct, personal, and effective marketing medium, producing unparalleled exposure to your products and services. SMS alerts can be setup for various events like user registration, on achieving certain level, to inform about meeting, product updates etc.

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    In the 21st century, Internet has evolved as a powerful marketing and advertising tool for the growth of any organization. To take the maximum advantage of Internet organizations create, maintain and enhance their online presence through websites and search engines.

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy to get the best results in Google, Yahoo, and MSN like major search engines. We design everything we do in such a way that new customers find you and your product and service very easily in online. We help you to find out your presence in online.

    E-Commerce Shopping Carts

    Our MLM Support to integrate E-Commerce Shopping Cart if you required. We developed a concept to provide optimal solution for most ecommerce projects.


    7 step of success in network marketing dynasty to building a $1,000,000 network marketing dynasty

      First Million making in Network Marketing

      What is the difference between network marketing and pyramid selling?

        What is the difference between network marketing and pyramid selling?

        The short answer is very simple : Network marketing is a legitimate business model, offering all participants the same opportunity to build a residual income in a flexible way. Pyramid selling is an illegal scam, where the people at the top benefit from the financial suffering of those they introduce into the organisation. Both utilize the power of exponential growth, but they use this principle in different ways and for very different ends.

        When people talk about pyramid selling, they may be thinking of many different business models. Most people will not be able to precisely define an illegal pyramid if you ask them, regardless of how strongly they claim that network marketing is the same. In reality, the difference between the two is very
        clear and well-defined, and it should become obvious why this distinction is so vitally important.

        In the standard model of a pyramid scheme, people are rewarded purely for introducing new people to an organisation. They are often charged very large joining fees, and are told that this can be recovered easily by convincing others to do the same. Sadly, this is quite a common scheme and many people lose a lot of money through such false hopes. Fortunately, this is absolutely illegal under the laws of most developed countries.

        In a pyramid scheme, no goods or services are offered for sale to people outside of the pyramid organisation - money simply flows from the bottom to the top. This is one of the most important differences between a pyramid scheme and a legitimate network marketing opportunity. The consequence of this is that there is no net cash flow into the pyramid organisation, and therefore the people at the top make a quick fortune by taking money from people lower down in the organisation. If people at the top get rich, then it follows that people at the bottom must lose out, because the net cash contained within a static organisation stays constant. People find themselves trying to recruit new people to bring new cash into the organisation, just so that they can cancel their debts. This is the only way that new money can enter the pyramid. As soon as recruiting stops, the entire organisation folds and those who got in too late lose everything.

        In network marketing, goods or services are sold by distributors to those outside of the organisation. This means that there is a net cash flow from outside to inside. This may sound like a small distinction, but in reality it is vital. It means that nobody in a well-run network marketing organisation need lose out. The incoming cash is split between those in the organisation based on retail sales and group-building success. Even if no new distributors are introduced, everyone still makes money. The organisation could remain entirely static indefinitely because money is flowing in from outside.

        Note - it is possible to develop a network marketing organisation where the distributors all buy their own products and nobody outside does. This is not in the spirit of network marketing, but is still stable because goods or services of intrinsic value are still passing into the business from outside. Of course, this is rather complicated, and assumes that the distributors buy the products voluntarily and that they gain a more-than compensatory value from that purchase. This is beginning to push the limits of the law, and any company which operates in this manner should probably be avoided.

        Friday, November 25, 2011

        GoldMine International Business Presentation

        Here are the videos of business presentation from which you can learn about the company and network marketing.

        Part 1:

        Part 2:

        Part 3:

        Part 4:

        Part 5:

        Part 6:

        Part 7:

        Part 8: