
Thursday, December 1, 2011

GMI Is so good, why doesn't everyone join it ?

If it's so good, why doesn't everyone join?

People who say 'no' to network marketing do so for several reasons. For the majority, they don't see how it could fit into their lives. They have perhaps lived a very long time in the same frame of mind, or the same job, and it has become a fixed pattern. For others, they honestly don't see how they could find enough time in their hectic life. Plenty of people working 90 or 100+ hour weeks have built huge network marketing businesses in their spare time. It's just a matter of priorities. Those who are truly busy appreciate more than others how to fit things into their schedule.

The majority of people who don't join all have exactly the same reason. That is "I just don't think that it will work for me." Of course, they voice that in different ways! The job of a dedicated network marketer is to convince those people that it can work for them, and that the rewards are real and tangible. But in the end, many people will never join. But this is great - if the whole world joined then who would be the doctors, dentists, politicians, musicians, shop workers, police officers, accountants and teachers?!

Then there is the group that is so sure of themselves that they cannot possibly understand why anyone would want to join a NETWORK MARKETING organisation. Some of them even go out to stop those they know from doing the same. This is almost always borne of an ignorance of NETWORK MARKETING. There is usually a friend of a friend who tried and failed. Often these people cover their tracks by blaming it on the company or the business model - they don't admit that they simply didn't work hard enough. Sometimes they joined a poor company, and didn't research it enough. It's unfortunate, but these people will always exist. Everyone who has ever achieved anything difficult has faced those people telling them why they were sure to fail. Albert Einstein's school maths teacher famously told him that he would never amount to anything! I love this quote from that same man whose outstanding mind revolutionized practically all of modern physics:

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The

latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary

prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.

Albert Einstein

Often those people mean well, but they are simply voicing their own opinion. Millions of people have been held back from achieving truly remarkable things with their lives because of 'well-meaning friends' who told them not to. You have to analyse your decision for yourself - make sure that it is the right one and that it aligns with your beliefs, and then absolutely commit to it. It doesn't matter whether that decision is a 'yes' or a 'no' - just trust yourself! Remember - whenever anyone tells you that you're wrong, you almost certainly know a lot more about your business than they do! Don't let someone else ignorance steal your chance for success!